Design Formula  = Environmental Ceramics + Ornamentation + Speaking Facade + Linguistic Symbolism

In architecture, the ornament is a decoration used to highlight structural parts of a building, or object in which tells of the pass history, and in some cultures the future opinions, beliefs, status, and aesthetic sensibilities of the occupants. This element of visual linguistics on an architectural facade then has the ability to speak without words about the occupants, and their social status. The architecture, with the help of the inhabitants choice in ornamentation is then a voice within the threshold  of internal, and external epistemological relationships, and environments. This voice has a range of tones that are depicted through visual gradients such as geometrical patterns, plants bones, human, animal and anthropomorphic figures. For millennium these architectonic visualisations, and tools of communication have been ways of understanding past cultural influences, and their modes of existence. What are the ornaments of today, and how can they adopt some of the environmental philosophy’s, and relations of past cultures that have lived in a more connected way to their environments through the creation of poetic speaking environmental ceramics? This series of environmental ceramics uses poetic phonics through relief carving to enunciate symbolic images, and indirect suggestions that express attitudes, values, and states of mind in relation to environmental observation.


Design Components = Black Iron Clay + Basalt Silica +  Fermented Potassium Powder + Red Mica


Architectural Scale = Museum Interior - Exterior Facade Installations + Building Facade Panels + Public Art