Conceptual Framework = Applying A Design Approach Application to Medicinal Architecture.
To question medicine. What medicine can be. How is relates to the anthropological world-view of a given region environmentally, but also its extended world view? How can this biologically appear or become itself, as an idea, design system, projection, in both the seen, and unseen realms of environmental perception through architectural design?
Architectural Function = Designed to clean ideas, issues, or concerns within the hippocampus of the viewer, while at the same time the space itself functions as a connecting element to the collectives within the microbial realm trough the managed or owned agreements with each entity such as the wind, sun, mist, sand, and the plants.
Design by asking: Question = To learn to ask, a design idea.
To gather or create an idea within a community of ideas, and to ask together or to become bottom up within a design approach. After this asking, listen for the answer. The idea is that in the design of designing the right design question the question itself then has the energy in which will provide the design answer in the processes of questioning itself, the question itself has the intensity of the answer to come in the design.
Asking Example: "Medicinal research apparatus, can you move, or see? Will you both work as a community gathering space where a host of energy, heat from meetings, cells, and or conversations can take place on a seasonal basis within your structural bone framework? Will you also serve as a structural apparatus where medicinal plants can grow on your skin, as your skin? Do you like the term facade, and or will you serve as a reactive internal capsule for the cultural value of knowledge exchange regarding your skin (plants) in relation to both medicinal and anthropological values associated with them taking from your otter skin?
Human Scale Architectural Function = After a series of questioning, and asking each space has been design to stimulate the human perceptual sensory functions through haptic experience. Colour is used here as a healing mechanism or element in which allows the viewer to contemplate there internal cognitive environments. Each space also has internal tunnels as intestines which work to stimulate the excretory system starting with circulating the blood in the heart. Some spaces have private observation areas in which the relationship between human, and plant is placed act the forefront of each design decision, creating a one to one experience from the viewer and plant, through smell. The foundation of each apparatus will be designed for a bare foot experience specifically designed with a mixture of pressure responsive recycled textures for the plantar fascia.
Deign Formula = Asking + Colour Psychology + Architectural Bone + Alage systems
Architectural Scale = Museum Installations, External Environments, Public Medicinal Space Art.
---------------------------- algae tubes
---------------------------- petroglyph
---------------------------- internal one to one observation space with plant
internal observation equations
---------------------------- totem
---------------------------- medicinal plants